The Arts Precinct

Guilford Young College aims to be a leading Arts Education College.

We offer over twenty Arts subjects across the disciplines of Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Art. Our courses are vibrant and engaging and our teachers are all Arts professionals in their own right.

The vision we are currently realising is the establishment of an Arts Precinct at our Glenorchy campus. New building works in 2021 will include, an inspiring, modular Art room; a state of the art Media and Photography room with an attached Media studio, a newly refurbished Music centre and a dedicated Music Technology lab, an upgraded Dance and Drama room attached to our award winning theatre and landscaped sculpture gardens and outdoor performance areas.

The new Arts Precinct at Glenorchy will include and complement our theatre and be a hub of creative learning and celebration. While the Arts precinct will operate as a centre for Arts education, we will continue to run satellite Arts courses at our Hobart campus.